Do not send nano to this address that you are not willing to lose. This site does not meaningfully improve the security of nano and is not endorsed by the nano community and is currently banned from the nano reddit community. Use with care. > If you like feedback: The team came to the conclusion the project lack practical meaning, does not add any value in security and both the post and website being misleading and too risky for the users of this sub that doesn't know better how to spend their Nano. You will have to find other medium if you want to promote this. The reddit post (patents pending - contact me on reddit for details to buy this site and associated IP with bitcoin)
Secure Your Nano on the Bitcoin Blockchain. This site builds a longest proof of work chain for nano holdings on the Bitcoin Blockchain. This node will always treat the nano transactions encoded on the bitcoin address with the most confirmations of valid nano transactions as correct nano transactions.* * assuming there is enough demand that the fees are enough to keep me interested in running it.
1. Set the above nano account as your representative. 2. Send some Nano to to the account to enter the auction to have your send transaction hash bech32 encoded on the bitcoin blockchain. 3. After your send transacation hash has been encoded on the blockchain, I will send the tiniest amount of nano back to you. Make sure you receive it to ensure your future nano transactions are decended from all the previous blocks recorded on the chain. You can send as little as 0.01 Nano to check for yourself that it is working as expected. You can send more nano from the same address to improve your position in the queue at any time. The total cost to you will be about two bitcoin transaction fees. More Information
Last Updated: Sun Mar 28 21:22:24 2021 UTC (1616966544)